Look Ahead Housing and Care, London

The role of Arts Manager involved delivering a commissioning programme of public art and participatory and youth projects for homeless and vulnerable people in London and the South East.

Look Ahead Hoiusing and Care was a unique Housing Association as they believed in the power of art to build confidence and skills, as well as understanding the importance of high quality architecture and public art.The programme often worked in partnership with outreach organisations such as ENO, ENB, NLO.  Staff training was offered to help enable  staff to develop their own projects using the Look Ahead Arts Reserve Fund.

Positive Places is a programme of five public art commissions for supported housing, organised with the support and participation of the residents.

Each  commission was organised to maximise resident participation, with the aim of evaluating the most successful route to engaging residents and legacy.

The five commissions were:

Laura Ford Bevan House garden

Seamus Staunton Earls Court Loop

Richard Woods Floral Repeat No 19

Common Room Productions

A project made for 64 Campbell Road, London E3 from March-May 2007, by Ella Gibbs in collaboration with residents, staff and invited guests.(DIY customize, DIY Garden, DIY Publish). www.commonroomproductions.org


Arts Programme Manager

Laura Ford; Ella Gibbs; Lothar Goetz; Richard Woods; Seamus Staunton

Each commission had its own steering group which involved partners from their region, service users and Independent arts professionals. The Arts Programme involved service users at every stage of the commissioning process, including the artists selection. See Catalogue for more details